


class indexedconv.utils.HDF5Dataset(path, transform=None, target_transform=None)

Loads data in a Dataset from a HDF5 file.

  • path (str) – The path to the HDF5 file.
  • transform (callable, optional) – A callable or a composition of callable to be applied to the data.
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – A callable or a composition of callable to be applied to the labels.


class indexedconv.utils.NumpyDataset(data, labels, transform=None, target_transform=None)

Loads data in a Dataset from numpy.array.

  • data (numpy.array) – The data to load.
  • labels (numpy.array) – The labels of the data.
  • transform (callable, optional) – A callable or a composition of callable to be applied to the data.
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – A callable or a composition of callable to be applied to the labels.



class indexedconv.utils.NumpyToTensor

Converts a numpy array to a tensor.


class indexedconv.utils.SquareToHexa

Converts an image with a square grid to an image with a hexagonal one.

Image processing

class indexedconv.utils.PCA(D, n_components)

Credit E. Hoogeboom http://github.com/ehoogeboom/hexaconv

fit(D, n_components)

The computation works as follows:

  • The covariance is C = 1/(n-1) * D * D.T
  • The eigendecomp of C is: C = V Sigma V.T
  • Let Y = 1/sqrt(n-1) * D
  • Let U S V = svd(Y),
  • Then the columns of U are the eigenvectors of Y * Y.T = C
  • And the singular values S are the sqrts of the eigenvalues of C
  • We can apply PCA by multiplying by U.T
transform(D, whiten=False, ZCA=False, regularizer=1e-05)

We want to whiten, which can be done by multiplying by \(\sigma^{-1/2} U.T\)

Any orthogonal transformation of this is also white, and when ZCA=True we choose \(U \sigma^{-1/2} U.T\)


Normalizes images.

Parameters:images – image tensor of shape (c, n, m)

Computes the position of the pixels in the hexagonal grid from the index matrix.

Parameters:index_matrix (tensor) – The index matrix representing the index of each pixel in the axial addressing system.

Rough sampling of square images to hexagonal grid

Parameters:image – image tensor of shape (c, n, m)

Creates the index matrix of square images in a hexagonal grid (axial addressing system).

Parameters:image – input tensor of shape (c, n, m)

Indexed functions

indexedconv.utils.build_kernel(kernel_type, radius=1, dilation=1)

Builds the convolution kernel or mask. (Following the suggestion of Miguel Lallena).

  • kernel_type (str) – The type of kernel. Can be hexagonal (‘Hex’) or square (‘Square’).
  • radius (int) – The radius of the kernel.
  • dilation (int) – The dilation. A dilation of 1 means no dilation.

A np.array.

indexedconv.utils.neighbours_extraction(index_matrix, kernel_type='Hex', radius=1, stride=1, dilation=1, retina=False)

Builds the matrix of indices from an index matrix based on a kernel.

The matrix of indices contains for each pixel of interest its neighbours, including itself.

  • index_matrix (torch.Tensor) – Matrix of index for the images, shape(1, 1, matrix.size).
  • kernel_type (str) – The kernel shape, Hex for hexagonal Square for a square and Pool for a square of size 2.
  • radius (int) – The radius of the kernel.
  • stride (int) – The stride.
  • dilation (int) – The dilation. A dilation of 1 means no dilation.
  • retina (bool) – Whether to build a retina like kernel. If True, dilation must be 1.

A torch.Tensor - the matrix of the neighbours.


>>> index_matrix = [[0, 1, -1], [2, 3, 4], [-1, 5, 6]]
[[0, 1, -1],
[2,  3, 4],
[-1, 5, 6]]
>>> kernel_type = 'Hex'
>>> radius = 1
>>> kernel
[[1, 1, 0],
[ 1, 1, 1],
[ 0, 1, 1]]
>>> stride = 1
>>> neighbours = neighbours_extraction(index_matrix, kernel_type, radius, stride)
[[-1, -1, -1,  0,  1,  2,  3],
[ -1, -1,  0,  1, -1,  3,  4],
[ -1,  0, -1,  2,  3, -1,  5],
[  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6],
[  1, -1,  3,  4, -1,  6, -1],
[  2,  3, -1,  5,  6, -1, -1],
[  3,  4,  5,  6, -1, -1, -1]]
indexedconv.utils.create_index_matrix(nbRow, nbCol, injTable)

Creates the matrix of index of the pixels of the images of any shape stored as vectors.

  • nbRow (int) – The number of rows of the index matrix.
  • nbCol (int) – The number of cols of the index matrix.
  • injTable (numpy.array) – The injunction table, i.e. the list of the position of every pixels of the vector image in a vectorized square image.

A torch.Tensor containing the index of each pixel represented in a matrix.


>>> image = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]  # hexagonal image stored as a vector
>>> # in the hexagonal space                  0 1
>>> #                                        2 3 4
>>> #                                         5 6
>>> # injunction table of the pixel position of a hexagonal image represented in the axial addressing system
>>> injTable = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8]
>>> index_matrix = [[0, 1, -1], [2, 3, 4], [-1, 5, 6]]
[[0, 1, -1],
[2,  3, 4],
[-1, 5, 6]]
indexedconv.utils.pool_index_matrix(index_matrix, kernel_type='Pool', stride=2)

Pools an index matrix.

  • index_matrix (torch.Tensor) – The index matrix for the images, shape(1, 1, matrix.size).
  • kernel_type (str) – The kernel shape, Hex for hexagonal, Square for a square of size 3 and Pool for a square of size 2.
  • stride (int) – The stride.

A torch.Tensor containing the pooled matrix.


Prepares the indices and the mask for the GEMM im2col operation.

Parameters:indices (torch.Tensor) – The matrix of indices containing the neighbours of each pixel of interest.
indexedconv.utils.img2mat(input_images, index_matrix)

Transforms a batch of features of vector images in a batch of features of matrix images.

  • input_images (torch.Tensor) – The images with shape (batch, features, image).
  • index_matrix (torch.Tensor) – The index matrix containing the index of the pixels of the images. represented in a matrix

A torch.Tensor

indexedconv.utils.mat2img(input_matrix, index_matrix)

Transforms a batch of features of matrix images in a batch of features of vector images.

  • input_matrix (torch.Tensor) – The images with shape (batch, features, matrix.size).
  • index_matrix (torch.Tensor) – The index matrix for the images, shape(1, 1, matrix.size).



Get the current gpu usage. Inspired from gpu usage from pytorch

Parameters:device_id (int) – the GPU id as GPU/Unit’s 0-based index in the natural enumeration returned by the driver
dict - usage
Keys are device ids as integers. Values are memory usage as integers in MB, total memory usage as integers in MB, gpu utilization in %.

Computes the total number of parameters of a network.

Parameters:net (nn.Module) – The network.
Returns:A int